
DD-Ranking provides a set of commonly used model architectures in existing dataset distillation methods. Users can flexibly use these models for main evaluation or cross-architecture evaluation. We will keep updating this section with more models.

Naming Convention

We use the following naming convention for models in DD-Ranking:

  • model name - model depth - norm type

Model name and depth are required. When norm type is not specified, we use default normalization for the model. For example, ResNet-18-BN means ResNet18 with batch normalization. ConvNet-4 means ConvNet with depth 4 and default instance normalization.

Pretrained Model Weights

For users' convenience, we provide pretrained model weights on CIFAR10, CIFAR100, and TinyImageNet for the following models:

  • ConvNet-3 (CIFAR10, CIFAR100)
  • ConvNet-3-BN (CIFAR10, CIFAR100)
  • ConvNet-4 (TinyImageNet)
  • ConvNet-4-BN (TinyImageNet)
  • ResNet-18-BN (CIFAR10, CIFAR100, TinyImageNet)

Users can download the weights from the following links: Pretrained Model Weights.